Our Services

Digital Technology

We support your freshly brewed startup/company to begin its journey by helping you run its operation. Providing 9-to-5 operational support.

IT Infrastructure

Cloud, On-premise, whichever you like, we make your services reliable than ever.

Our Enterprise Services
Cloud Architecture | Network Capacity Planning | IT Auditing

Data Engineering

We focus our support mainly on :
Data Warehousing | Data Administration | Data Analytics | BigData

Web & Mobile App Development

Customized application matching your business process is our specialization. 

Notable Technologies:
PHP | Golang | Python | NodeJS | Laravel | WordPress | Swift | Kotlin | Apache Cordova

Artificial Intelligent

To ease and lift accuracy on specific analytics task and optimize computational power. We utilized our self-brewed AI. 

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

We are interested to do research and solving problems with UAV. We look forward to deploy our UAV for disaster first response, package delivery, and many other domains.

Augmented Reality

Combining range of interactive features and rich 3D content to connect with your audience in new ways using AR.